謝明吉 醫師│正顎手術│顏面骨雕塑手術│睡眠外科手術 - 謝明吉、姜厚任│顎顏面美學重建專科診所│風華聯合診所

首頁 關於我們 謝醫師完整簡介

謝明吉醫師3D導航 削骨導版
2016.01.15 東森魅力遊台灣 風華 謝明吉醫師、姜厚任醫師專訪
2015.10.17 東森樂活好正點 法拉利姊-張婷婷風華重生 專訪
2016.04.28小明星大跟班完整版 他們都靠整形改變人生?!





  1. 台北醫學大學畢業 Taipei Medical University
  2. 三軍總醫院口腔顎顏面外科住院醫師訓練 Hospital residency Oral Maxillofacial Surgery in Tri-Service General Hospital
  3. 口腔顎顏面外科專科醫師 Specialty in Oral & Maxillofacial Surgery
  4. 台灣顏面整型重建外科專科醫師 Specialty in Facial Plastic & Reconstructive Surgery



  1. 台灣美容醫學產業全國聯合會 Taiwan Aesthetic Medicine Industry Association
  2. 美國美容外科醫學會 American Academy of Cosmetic Surgery
  3. 唇顎暨裂顱顏醫學會 Taiwan Cleft Palate-Craniofacial Association
  4. 台灣睡眠醫學學會 Taiwan Society of Sleep Medicine
  5. 美容醫學會 Chinese Society of Cosmetic Surgery & Anti-aging Medicine
  6. 口腔顎面外科學會第十五屆醫療促進委員會委員 Employment Certificate for Commissioner of the 15th Medical Care Promotion Committee of the Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery Taiwan (ROC)
  7. 台北醫學大學聘書 兼任臨床助理教授 Employment Certificate for Adjunct Clinical Assistant Professor at Taipei Medical University



  1. Adrian Ming-Chi Hsieh, DDS, Charles Kuan-Chou Lin, DDS, MS, Scott Hou-Ren Jiang, DDS, MS1, Tian-Ee Seah, MDS(OMS), FAMS

    Aesthetic Occipital Augmentation with CAD-CAM Prefabricated Customized Polymethylmethacrylate (PMMA) Implant : Comparison of Planned and Final Results

  2. Lian YK, Hsieh AMC, Tsai MS, Jiang HR, Yen CY, Hsia YJ, Lee SY.
    Treatment efficiency and stability of skeletal Class III malocclusion with a surgery-first approach. March 2018.
  4. Hsieh MC,Jiang HR, Lee SY
    Accuracy of The Computer-Aided 3-D Virtual Planning System Combined with Double-Splint Design in The Orthognathic Surgery – A Pilot Study. Taiwanese Journal of Orthodontics 2016, Vol. 27. No. 3

  5. Hsieh MC
    Using Surgery-First Orthognathic Approach to Treat Facial Asymmetry with History of TMJ Fracture. JTOS-Journal of Taiwan Orthodontic Society. Aug 2014.

  6. Hsieh MC
    Facial Rejuvenation-Inside Out.Fall Meeting of Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons. Nov.16,2014​
  7. Hsieh MC
    Current Trend in Treating Dentofacial Deformity. Tainan Dental Assciation. Sep.28,2014
  8. Hsieh MC
    Cosmetic Cranio-Maxillo-Facial Surgery. Seminar of Saint Martin Hospital, Aug. 1st, 2014
  9. Hsieh MC
    Forehead Augmentation and Rejuvenation. The52nd Congress of Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Nov. 1, 2013.
  10. Hsieh MC
    Facial Rejuvenation Surgery. The52nd Congress of Korean Association of Maxillofacial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgeons. Oct. 31, 2013.
  11. Hsieh MC
    Integration of Facial Plastic Surgery. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Association of Maxillofacial Surgeons. March 3, 2013.
  12. Hsieh MC
    Aesthetic Facial Skeletal Surgery. Annual Meeting of Taiwan Academy of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Oct 7, 2012.
  13. Hsieh MC
    Planning in Aesthetic Maxillofacial Surgery. APDC June 15, 2012.
  14. Hsieh MC
    Current Trend in Cosmetic Maxillofacial Surgery. Misch Taipei Study Group. Oct 14, 2011.
  15. Hsieh MC
    Modern Concept for Orthognathic and Aesthetic Facial Bone Contouring Surgery. Annual Symposium of Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Oct 2010.
  16. Hsieh MC
    Facial Feminization Surgery (FFS). Spring Symposium of Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. May 2010.
  17. Hsieh MC
    Surgical Rotation of Occlusal Plane for Salvage Treatment of Skeletal Class III with Dental Class I. Journal of Taiwan Orthodontic Society 2009 Nov;1(4):13-18. (Taiwan Orthodontic Celebrity List)
  18. Hsieh MC
    Aesthetic Facial Bone Sculpture Surgery. Annual Symposium of Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. Sep 6, 2009.
  19. Hsieh MC
    Incorporation of facial plastic surgery into orthognathic surgery. Annual Symposium of Taiwan Association of Facial Plastic and Reconstructive Surgery. December 2008.
  20. Hsieh MC
    Expedited surgical-orthodontic treatment for dental facial deformity. Annual Academic Conference of Taiwan Association of Orthodontist. Oct 26, 2008
  21. Hsieh MC
    Complications and solutions in surgical aspect of maxillofacial implants, Annual Academic Conference of Taiwan Association of Oral Implantology, August 2005.
  22. Hsieh MC
    Immediate Implant Placement and Autogenous Bone Graft after Extraction of Supernumerary Impacted Tooth- Two Cases Report, Annual Academic Conference of Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, March 2003.
  23. Hsieh MC
    Bony ankylosis of TMJ- Two cases report, Case Conference of Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, March 2002.
  24. Hsieh MC
    Recurrent adenoid cystic carcinoma of right mandible, Case Conference of Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, June 2001.
  25. Hsieh MC
    Case analysis of facial bone fractures after mandatory helmet-wearing in Taipei, Annual Academic Conference, Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, March 2001
  26. Hsieh MC
    Gunshot injuries in maxillofacial regions- Two cases report, Case Conference of Taiwan Association of Oral and Maxillofacial Surgeons, December 2000.


【案例】謝明吉醫師談顏面雕塑手術 Miss L
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/GZ11ExJPDeM
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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【Q&A】謝明吉醫師談 蘋果肌治療下三白
Attribute1Value : https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q3RHcHbexng
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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MEN'S TALK 另一半一定要看 睡眠呼吸中止症 QA篇
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/tQODWEW5ykY
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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MEN'S TALK 另一半一定要看 睡眠呼吸中止症 顳顎關節&QA篇
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/iQ4Gr0Nq_qw
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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MEN'S TALK 另一半一定要看 睡眠呼吸中止症 臉型呼吸道篇2
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/6m-I8Hr7Xso
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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MEN'S TALK 另一半一定要看 睡眠呼吸中止症 臉型呼吸道篇1
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/X1w16WjoieE
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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MEN'S TALK 另一半一定要看 睡眠呼吸中止症 謝醫師談H症狀篇
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/FyD3RmPzbMo
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/-GIAWuucAS4
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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秘魯醫師 Pedro Ciudad, M.D., Ph.D.來訪與謝明吉醫師做FFS臨床和學術的交流
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/JZN00oniFMc
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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【 Dr.Hsieh Q&A 】 下顎骨角削骨後臉會不會鬆??
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/5PKfbB2stVo
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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【 Dr.Hsieh Q&A 】 墊後腦杓QA
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/87I5jUbZ2iY
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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【 Dr.Hsieh Q&A 】 肉肉臉不適合做下顎骨角削骨嗎??
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/18yWjFQEskU
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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【 Dr.Hsieh Q&A 】 顴骨削骨後臉會不會下垂??
Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/jSaZkLdS_S8
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/gyqjtimWrN4
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/sH71fC5PF8U
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/75wbrdhZ0CQ
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/C10Ok5pNeH8
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Attribute1Value : https://youtu.be/CiTgYeZ7kLY
Attribute2Value : 謝明吉
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Copyright © 2007-2017 
All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang



