Facial Profile Design - 謝明吉、姜厚任 顎顏面 美學 重建 專科診所-風華整形聯合診所
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Facial Profile Design


Dr. Hsieh is a well-known maxillofacial cosmetic surgeon in Asia. In Taiwan and other countries, Dr. Hsieh is the best hands and one of the few experts with the most experience in maxillofacial cosmetic surgery.  

Unlike the traditional orthodontic surgery with bite-oriented treatment, Dr. Hsieh believes that orthodontic for maxillofacial deformities should adopt "facial profile design" as the highest guidelines as bite should only be "part of" the treatment goal. At the same time, Dr. Hsieh has encountered many patients who require orthognathic surgery but only treated with zygomatic reduction causing the facial profile to lose balance. As a matter of fact, zygomatic reduction should be applied on normal facial bone but not patients with over development of mandibular and zygomatic bone. Therefore, diagnosing and designing facial profile is the fundamental of all treatments. Patients should not be treated based on the surgeons' preferences or surgical procedures that they are familiar with.


Maxillofacial cosmetic surgery uses "facial profile design" as the highest guideline

Since maxillofacial cosmetic surgery uses "facial profile design" as the highest guideline, Dr. Hsieh has integrated several other techniques of facial cosmetic surgery in the orthognathic surgery. Maxillofacial surgery (also known as facial bone sculpting) is the most common surgery for the integration because it helps to upgrade the results of orthognathic surgery with a final touch. With the advancement of biomaterials, innovative surgeons are now able to sculpt facial profile, forehead, under-eye (malar), nasolabial fold and chin. Rejuvenation is the dream of every adult female and male. In Dr. Hsieh's treatment plan, aging issue on the face is absolutely an important element to consider for mini-lift during orthognathic surgery. Person with short and retruded chin combined with snoring symptom is categorized as high-risk group for obstructive sleep apnea (may cause severe complications and death in long term). For this group of high-risk patients, Dr. Hsieh not only considers the appearance but also helps the patients to improve their condition by widening their respiratory airway. Fortunately, accurate orthognathic technique can expand respiratory airway and reconstruct chin at the same time.


The safest and smoothest integration of orthognathic-anesthesia-orthodontic team

Our center has the safest and smoothest integration of orthognathic-anesthesia-orthodontic team who cares every patient whole-heartedly and circumspectly. Dr. Hsieh as a beauty-seeker with dexterity skills will carefully sculpt and care for every face seeking for a transform.






Copyright © 2007-2017 

All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang





Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.