Safe Anesthesia
Surgery and Anesthesia Safety is the Key to Successful Cosmetic Surgery!
“Doctor, would I wake up after anesthesia? I take sleeping pills regularly, would the anesthesia still work? After the anesthesia wear off, does the wound hurt? After the surgery, do I experience severe nausea and vomiting like the previous anesthesia? ” These are some of the most commonly asked questions before patients were given anesthesia. Do you have the same doubts too? Are complications, risks of anesthesia and surgery your biggest doubt and deepest fear before accepting any cosmetic surgery? With the knowledge advancement and improvement of economy condition, clients seeking for cosmetic surgery nowadays have more concerns on the safety and comfort of surgery. They demand not only safe surgery but also pain-free, memory-free and comfortable surgery. In order to achieve these pain-free and deep sleep anesthesia conditions, the anesthetic drugs to induce loss of consciousness are required. When these anesthetic drugs are used jointly with pain reliever drugs, it may trigger difficulty in breathing, lower blood pressure, affect heart function and other severe complications. During the surgery, maintaining unobstructed airway, monitoring of blood oxygen concentration, supporting cardiovascular function, continuously monitoring the anesthesia depth will all depends on the professionalism and guardianship of the “anesthesiologist”! Role and Function of Anesthesiologist
Besides regulating and maintaining anesthesia depth accordingly, an anesthesiologist is responsible to ensure the patients stay in a stable anesthetic condition throughout the surgery. With the continuous physiological monitoring during general anesthesia, patients will maintain at a safe and comfortable condition. At the same time, appropriate post-surgical pain relieving service will be provided to the patients according to their health condition and type of surgery. Therefore, the safety of anesthesia and surgery can be administered with comfortable post-surgical experience. In other words, safety of surgery and anesthesia is the key to successful cosmetic surgery! This is also what our clinic has been striving for. Besides, the term “anesthetist” we normally heard has a different context than anesthesiologist (physician trained in anesthesia). These anesthetists are normally nurses in the clinic or nurse anesthesiologist who are only responsible to assist an anesthesiologist in matters related to anesthesia during the surgery. These anesthetists do not administer anesthesia independently or possess the professional knowledge in handling an emergency situation! What is Anesthesia?
Anesthesia originates from Greek in which an- means without and aisthēsis means sensation. Patients undergo anesthesia will not feel pain during and after the surgery as it is given to block sensation feeling of patients. Patients will remain sleeping throughout the surgery. If sensation is not blocked during the surgery, patients may encounter horrible nightmare from the surgery even after it has ended. Therefore, the purpose of anesthesia is to put the patients at deep sleep condition to eliminate any possible pain or anxiety induced by surgery. Furthermore, certain level of muscle relaxation is required throughout the surgery to ensure a smooth surgical operation. In order to ensure safety of patients during the surgery, physiological monitoring of patients is administered throughout the surgery in accordance to the requirement of surgery and health condition of patients before the surgery. To achieve the above goals, the following is our standard protocol for the requirement and preparation of anesthesia:
Anesthesiologist is responsible to maintain stable vital signs and provide integrity care to patients during the anesthesia. In order to maintain patients’ safety under this condition, the American Society of Anesthesiologists and Taiwan Society of Anesthesiologists have suggested two standards to every anesthetic approach even if the anesthesia may appear simple:
In other words, in order to achieve these objectives, professional anesthetist has to provide monitoring and any necessary care during the anesthesia. It is absolutely important to maintain patient’s safety under every circumstance. Anesthesiologist is your personal guardian during anesthesia who will continue to protect you by your side throughout the surgery.
Surgery-Anesthesia Team of Dr.Hsieh-Dr.Chin
Our organization offers wide variety of surgeries which primarily focus on maxillo-facial surgeries such as orthognathic, mandibular and other facial sculpting surgeries. Furthermore, we have higher standards of anesthesia than most other clinics. Anesthesia safety and quality of patients are the priority of our organization. We strongly believe that surgery and anesthesia safety are the key of successful cosmetic surgery! Under the high demanding leadership and huge investment of Dr. Hsieh and Dr. Kao, we possess not only general anesthesia equipment of medical center standards (anesthesia apparatus, multi-function color screen physiological monitor and venous analgesic pump) but also various anesthesia and emergency medications. Moreover, our center is equipped with ETCO2 and inhalation gas anesthesia monitor (to ensure caring of airway and anesthesia depth), dynamic arterial blood pressure measuring apparatus (for dynamic blood pressure control required by maxillo-facial surgery to reduce surgical bleeding and post-surgical blood transfusion), and a variety of practical respiratory management equipments. Most importantly, we have our own specially assigned “anesthesiologist” to guard your life safety throughout the anesthesia and surgery.
Copyright © 2007-2017
All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang
Aesthetic Medicine Department Plastic Surgery DepartmentAesthetic Dentistry Department
Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.