Why did I chose to have orthognathic surgery?
I was born with a very square-like face. Although I think my facial features are okay, there were always people saying my face was imperfect since I was young. That is why changing my facial shape has always been my dream. It was until about 5 years ago when I could economically fulfil my dream did I begin to do homework, searching for any information on bone shaving. At the end I narrowed it to several prestigious doctors. Early in this year I also went to two clinics. From my perspective Dr. Hsieh had much patience answering my questions. As he gave me such a secure feeling, I quickly decided to schedule for surgery.
Recovery process after surgery
Bone shaving was less frightening than I imagined. I was anesthetized around 10AM and recovered consciousness at 8PM. I did not had any specific uncomfortableness. My throat did feel some pain, perhaps because of the inserted tube, and I had a congested nose like having a bad cold. On the contrary, I felt no pain from the wound in my mouth.
First day after bone shaving in the recovery room I had a clear mind after I recovered consciousness. I could get out of bed and walk around. But the nurse who knew my condition was worried if I might faint and so on. However that night my mental status was quite fine.
The next morning I found it rather difficult to eat food because my mouth was still paralyzed. It was hard to drink water even through a straw, and I had to drip water into my mouth. After 2 consecutive days, I was able to use a straw to drink fluid food.
1 week after surgery After drinking fluid food for 5 consecutive days, I found that it can no more satisfy me. As I started to feel very hungry, I began to have some soft food such as porridge. I began gaining strength and the reduction of my swelling was much faster.
In addition, from the internet I saw that"ciliate desert-grass" can accelerate the deswelling process. That is when I started to take this ciliate desert-grass drink for about a week. The most swollen part of my face has apparently almost recovered. It looks more natural. I just need to wear a surgical mask when I leave my house.
<Words from the assistant: The Chinese herb "ciliate desert-grass" can accelerate the deswelling process. We can help customers order the ciliate desert-grass drink if you do not know where to buy.>
A different me after orthognathic surgery
Before the operation I had a square face. Although other people did not think any bad about it, I still wanted to do bone shaving. During my first week after the operation, my family started to worry will the swelling on my face will become permanent when they saw it! The deswelling on the third week started to look normal, what a relief my family thought. However, they consider the results were not as good as they expected because the swelling did not completely disappear. It was not until the 2nd and 3rd months did they discover my face looked thinner. My friends also discovered the changes of my face. They began to ask information about the surgery – some of my friends have children who also have the same facial troubles like I had. <Real case interview. Edited by clinic assistant>
During the interview, the patient did mention to our assistant that his family unanimously was against his idea. But this is my dream. After the surgery, my family still continuously took care of me and quietly showed support. Till this day my family and friends can witness the results. This is when I accidently found out that some of my parents' friends have children who also have these facial troubles. My parents' attitude has changed to being supportive. They will also talk to their friends about bone shaving, and would even actively ask for Dr. Hsieh's business card for them.
Copyright © 2007-2017
All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang
Aesthetic Medicine Department Plastic Surgery DepartmentAesthetic Dentistry Department
Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.