case3 - 謝明吉、姜厚任 顎顏面 美學 重建 專科診所-風華整形聯合診所
Home Page Case Study Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術前
* Before
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術後
* After
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術前
* Before
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術後
* After
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術前
* Before
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術後
* After
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術前
* Before
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術後
* After
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術前
* Before
Concaved Face with Normal Bite Functions 	 術後
* After
Case Description
After five years orthodontic marathon (without any surgery plan), the patient finally pulled back the over jet lower teeth alignment but the resulted facial shape was not surprising to Dr. Hsieh. Balanced facial shape depends on its bony alignments, not the occlusal correctness of the teeth. This patient needed what Dr. Hsieh called the “salvage orthognathic surgery.” Had Dr. Hsieh been engaged in the transformation plan, the desired result will occur much faster (generally 9-12 months) with excellent result! The salvage surgery plan that Dr. Hsieh would usually propose to the patient generally followed the same prerequisite, where cares were taken to maintain the correct occlusion for the patient but at the same time the upper and lower jaw bones were rotated to shorten the face while the patient’s mid-face was strengthen with her corner of the mouth pulled up. An independent surgery was performed in conjunction to the aforementioned procedures to shorten the chin. Five months after the surgeries, better occlusion was shown and the balanced attractive face emerged. Dr. Hsieh always insists on treating facial shapes with Face-Oriented Treatment and not merely the Bite-Oriented Treatment.

Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.
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All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang





Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.