3D Custom-Made Facial Implant Surgery - 謝明吉、姜厚任 顎顏面 美學 重建 專科診所-風華整形聯合診所
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3D Custom-Made Facial Implant Surgery


Surgical Features

Medpor Facial Contouring Surgery is commonly selected to improve facial contouring lines or angles. Most patients have excessive or insufficient facial angles. These angles can be easily improved, enhanced or balanced by the insertion of Medpor or other bio-compatible implants. Medpor is very versatile and offers better contouring lines however it is more expensive than other alternatives.

The problematic mid-face underdevelopment is most often seen in Asian. This condition causes awkward contouring relationship between the nose and the lips that forms a shape angle. Generally, Asian has smaller angles formed by the nasal-lips relationship. However, insufficient nasal-lips angles cause unattractive facial features. The face would look droopy or the lips are pointy all because of the underdevelopment of the mid-face section. This condition can be improved by inserting Medpor to the sides of alae or combined with insertion of implant beneath the upper jaw to raise and balance the mid-face contouring. A more western contouring lines can be achieved by implant insertions to deepen the eye sockets, raised the cheekbones or chin contouring lines.

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In addition, there will be certain degree of absorption on the facial bone tissues that comes with aging. Other aging signs include the collapse of fat layer and skin that cause certain concaveness and winkles. These signs of aging can be improved by insertions of Medpor to the mid-face section to creative a more rounded contouring support to those previously seen concaved cheeks while alleviates the deepened nasal-labial folds. The overall outcomes of these insertions create the rejuvenation of youthfulness. Medpor Facial Contouring Surgery is best to improve better facial contouring lines and angles, even though most patients have angles within the normal range. However, the slight deviation in angles either in excess or in deficiency can be markedly improved, balanced or enhanced by the insertion of Medpor or other bio-compatible implants to appease attractiveness.

For patients with concaveness on the sides of alae and the combination of underdevelopment of the chin, it is possible to have more westernized facial contouring lines with edges and corners that are full of persona. It is recommended that for these patients to receive Korean nose augmentation, mid-face Medpor padding, chin Medpor padding to drastically improve the receded concaveness of their facial features.


Surgical Procedures

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Most surgical procedures are performed under general anesthesia with the incisions taken in the oral cavity. These incisions are approximately 2mm in length while the surgery takes about 1 hour to complete. Patients should avoid foods with high temperatures. Patients may encounter minor pains that can be controlled by taking general inflammatory pain relievers. There will be certain degree of edema after the surgery and the discomfort period of the recovery will be approximately 1 week.


Comparison of Implantation Materials

Traditionally, silicone has been widely used in the makeup of facial implants. However, there are some disadvantages involving silicone implants. When the formation of capsular contraction occurred, the implant is moved from its ideal position and causing the absorption of facial bone tissues. This occurs most commonly to areas that have frequent movements or impacts. Medpor, on the other hand is made of material with similar hardness to the natural bone tissues in the body, and can be readily secured in the ideal place with screws onto bony constructs. To some extends, it becomes part of the bony construct. In addition to its multi-porous characteristic that facilitates the in-growth of vascular cells, this implantation is highly stable. It is also easily shaped during surgery for the best contouring lines while adhered to the facial bones to strengthen and support the underdeveloped areas.



Applicable Areas

  1. The flat or concaved areas around the forehead and eye sockets
  2. Both sides of the alae, under the eye sockets and cheekbones concaveness.
  3. Padding of the chin and lower jaw outer contouring surgery (Sometimes these come from over-cutting in osteotomy that resulted unnatural angle or asymmetrically feature. Sometimes the cause is congenital with mal-development or asymmetrical development of the lower jaw)

Facial reconstructive surgery techniques undergo constant transformation in innovation and advancement. With the applicability of the Medpor facial contouring surgery, osteotomy, orthognathic and Korean nose augmentation, or the combined application of these procedures opens the potentials and possibilities to drastically change and create the most attractive face under these procedures. The reality of "face-off" is possible!




Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.
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All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang





Results of surgery vary among patients. Please consult your doctor.