diary-21 - 謝明吉、姜厚任│顎顏面美學重建專科診所│風華聯合診所

首頁 手術案例 臉部拉皮手術



Dear Dr. Hsieh,

I would like to thank you once again for helping me and making my life better.

You know, travelling 19,000 km alone, sitting in a cramped seat for 12 hours, getting soaked wet in the rain.. :-) for me all these things were worth every minute of time, because at the end of the day the work you did is immaculate, natural and beautiful.

When I saw the pictures of the patients you worked on, my jaw dropped, I could not believe it.

I see now in more detail what you did during the operation, it is truly amazing the re positioning of the tissue, millimeter perfect, the attention to detail never forgetting the sacred sense of proportion. The subtle re positioning of the tissues around the eyes, to give them more vibrancy and life. The reversal of work done at the subperiosteal plane, something I still cannot fathom how you did it. I see my old face back and that brings me great happiness :-). It's like magic.

It is clear to all that you have a rare and wonderful gift. I really do believe god is working through you.

I am deeply spiritual (not religious), that is why I have been driven to express my gratitude in this way. This great work has meant so much.

Dr. Hsieh, this email is not about me, it's really about you, your gift and a celebration of that. In my humble opinion, you are truly living your life's purpose and you have just improved another persons happiness and life.

I think all the patients who choose you will also have their lives changed in a deeply positive way.

I just also wanted to say, thanks again to you and all of your great staff, particularly Julianna (thanks Juli :-)) who was extremely caring, thoughtful and helpful all along the way. And the night nurse (sorry I did not understand her name) who was sweet and caring all through the night.

I will cherish these experiences for always and will hold them close to my heart.


  1. 請依照醫師及護理人員指示,定期服藥、注意飲食忌諱及維持傷口清潔。
  2. 術後可能有出血,感染,發炎等併發症,根據個人體質差異其程度有所不同,需加小心護理,若上述情況發生請盡快與我們聯絡。
  3. 術後3~6個月手術部位會暫時性知覺遲緩、表情較不自然為正常現象;透過自主按摩及表情練習,大部分患者術後6~12個月將逐漸好轉。
  4. 麻醉有其一定風險,與患者自身身體狀況有關,患者需誠實且清楚地向治療醫師及麻醉科醫師報告健康狀態及治療歷史,切勿有所隱瞞。
  5. 建議術前與醫師溝通並清楚表達治療需求,惟術後外觀美感屬於主觀認定範圍,不得作為手術成果判斷根據。
  6. 手術成效因人而異,需由專業醫師評估。案例圖片經當事人授權同意公開使用做為診療的輔助說明、衛生教育及醫療知識分享,僅供參考。
歡迎任何問題諮詢,我們會有專人與您聯繫 諮詢專線02-2388-6363





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Copyright © 2007-2017 
All Written Contents and Pictures Created by Dr. Adrian M. Hsieh and Dr. Scott H. Jiang



